A Shared Recipe, A Shared Memory

How Food and Music Connect Us Across Borders Imagine this: Two people—perhaps family, or friends who’ve met but live far apart—standing in their kitchens, miles away from each other. One is in a bustling New York apartment, and the other is in a quiet Italian village....

Food Memories

Connecting Generations Through Food: Cherish the Past, Create New Memories Food is more than sustenance; it’s a bridge connecting generations. By sharing recipes handed down through the family, we not only savor delicious dishes but also relive cherished...

Healthy food = Healthy communities 

Nutrition is the cornerstone of health, and building a great relationship with food from a young age is essential for fostering a sense of community. Teach kids early how to cook—it keeps everyone in the kitchen, which is truly the heart of the home. Cooking together...

Connecting people

Food, music, and art require no language. Hear it, smell it, taste it. Our mission is to connect people from around the world with our weekly cooking show. When people connect with real people, interact, and share experiences, it changes their day. Get in your kitchen...