A Shared Recipe, A Shared Memory

How Food and Music Connect Us Across Borders Imagine this: Two people—perhaps family, or friends who’ve met but live far apart—standing in their kitchens, miles away from each other. One is in a bustling New York apartment, and the other is in a quiet Italian village....

Food Memories

Connecting Generations Through Food: Cherish the Past, Create New Memories Food is more than sustenance; it’s a bridge connecting generations. By sharing recipes handed down through the family, we not only savor delicious dishes but also relive cherished...

Healthy food = Healthy communities 

Nutrition is the cornerstone of health, and building a great relationship with food from a young age is essential for fostering a sense of community. Teach kids early how to cook—it keeps everyone in the kitchen, which is truly the heart of the home. Cooking together...